Milk - It contains vitamin B2 and B12, milk also contains antioxidants that help destroy free radicals associated with stress.Fish -It contains iron, B vitamins and zinc. Fish contains protein of high biological value, essential minerals, vitamins and fats. Shellfish and salt-water fish are rich in iodine and fluorine, in addition to appreciable traces of cobalt, and for that reason make a valuable contribution the diet.
Fish is also a satisfactory source of magnesium, phosphorus, iron and copper. Shellfish generally have a higher calcium and iodine content that fish. Herring and oysters are exceptionally high in zinc.
Fortified breakfast cereal - breakfast cereals are fortified with a slew of essential vitamins and minerals, so they can be a great one-stop source of stress-fighting B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin C, and fiber.
Your diet plays a crucial role in your overall well-being and specifically your level of stress.
1) Poor nutrition is a major contributor to stress reactions and the premature aging of your face! Eat small meals low in sugar and fats so your body doesn't work overtime on digestion. Especially eat fresh foods, fish, brown rice, legumes and whole grains for stabilizing nutrients.
2) Sea greens are also loaded with minerals and essential fatty acids that improve skin texture and tone, and strengthen nails and hair.
3) Add more potassium-rich foods like potatoes, salmon, seafood and avocados to your diet. Potassium helps reduce stress-related high blood pressure, and regulates blood sugar. Intake should be about 3 to 5 grams daily. Cut down on high sodium foods which dehydrate the body. Drink plenty of water, too because dehydration can cause dry, sullen skin, and dark under-eye circles and sunken eyes.
4) Avoid stimulants like hard liquor, tobacco and excess caffeine which tax your adrenals.
5) Avoid trans-fats from fried foods, red meats and highly processed foods. These foods are high in chemicals that overburden the body's elimination systems.
6) Make an adrenal boosting mix: Adrenal nutrients: essential fatty acids, amino acids, pantothenic acid, vitamins E, A, C, fat soluble vitamins D and K, bioflavonoids, the minerals zinc, selenium, potassium, manganese, chromium and magnesium.
TENSION RELIEVERS for extra stressful situations.
-Deep breathe. When you’re stressed, your breathing becomes shallow. But, deep breathing activates relaxation centers in the brain, reducing overall body stress and increasing creative mental energy. Try this simple exercise for quick stress relief and rejuvenation.
Filling a Balloon:
Improve your sex life diet
Many foods can help boost your sex life by improving the look and feel of skin, aiding energy and increasing feelings of well-being.
Zinc in particular can help a flagging sex life. In addition to increasing fertility, heightening the senses of taste and smell, and regulating his sperm function, this 'sexy mineral' plays a part in the healing processes of the body.
This sample menu combines a variety of foods with different benefits that can all boost your libido and sexual well-being.
Bananas and strawberries can improve sexual stamina and berries can aid in fertility.
Serve with a small salad of avocado and tomato, good sources of vitamin E for healthy, soft skin.
Red wine
Red meat, brown rice and almonds are excellent sources of zinc, and asparagus provides vitamin E, an antioxidant that also contributes to healthy skin and cells.
Milk - It contains vitamin B2 and B12, milk also contains antioxidants that help destroy free radicals associated with stress.Fish -It contains iron, B vitamins and zinc. Fish contains protein of high biological value, essential minerals, vitamins and fats. Shellfish and salt-water fish are rich in iodine and fluorine, in addition to appreciable traces of cobalt, and for that reason make a valuable contribution the diet.
Fish is also a satisfactory source of magnesium, phosphorus, iron and copper. Shellfish generally have a higher calcium and iodine content that fish. Herring and oysters are exceptionally high in zinc.
Fortified breakfast cereal - breakfast cereals are fortified with a slew of essential vitamins and minerals, so they can be a great one-stop source of stress-fighting B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin C, and fiber.
Your diet plays a crucial role in your overall well-being and specifically your level of stress.
1) Poor nutrition is a major contributor to stress reactions and the premature aging of your face! Eat small meals low in sugar and fats so your body doesn't work overtime on digestion. Especially eat fresh foods, fish, brown rice, legumes and whole grains for stabilizing nutrients.
2) Sea greens are also loaded with minerals and essential fatty acids that improve skin texture and tone, and strengthen nails and hair.
3) Add more potassium-rich foods like potatoes, salmon, seafood and avocados to your diet. Potassium helps reduce stress-related high blood pressure, and regulates blood sugar. Intake should be about 3 to 5 grams daily. Cut down on high sodium foods which dehydrate the body. Drink plenty of water, too because dehydration can cause dry, sullen skin, and dark under-eye circles and sunken eyes.
4) Avoid stimulants like hard liquor, tobacco and excess caffeine which tax your adrenals.
5) Avoid trans-fats from fried foods, red meats and highly processed foods. These foods are high in chemicals that overburden the body's elimination systems.
6) Make an adrenal boosting mix: Adrenal nutrients: essential fatty acids, amino acids, pantothenic acid, vitamins E, A, C, fat soluble vitamins D and K, bioflavonoids, the minerals zinc, selenium, potassium, manganese, chromium and magnesium.
TENSION RELIEVERS for extra stressful situations.
-Deep breathe. When you’re stressed, your breathing becomes shallow. But, deep breathing activates relaxation centers in the brain, reducing overall body stress and increasing creative mental energy. Try this simple exercise for quick stress relief and rejuvenation.
Filling a Balloon:
Improve your sex life diet
Many foods can help boost your sex life by improving the look and feel of skin, aiding energy and increasing feelings of well-being.
Zinc in particular can help a flagging sex life. In addition to increasing fertility, heightening the senses of taste and smell, and regulating his sperm function, this 'sexy mineral' plays a part in the healing processes of the body.
This sample menu combines a variety of foods with different benefits that can all boost your libido and sexual well-being.
Bananas and strawberries can improve sexual stamina and berries can aid in fertility.
Serve with a small salad of avocado and tomato, good sources of vitamin E for healthy, soft skin.
Red wine
Red meat, brown rice and almonds are excellent sources of zinc, and asparagus provides vitamin E, an antioxidant that also contributes to healthy skin and cells.